Foreword by the Director General, MRSI
I am very happy to share with you the first issue of our Newsletter!
Dixit Chanana
This Newsletter is specifically designed to keep you updated on our industry’s thought leadership, MRSI initiative, events, and the latest movements across the industry. In each edition, you will get informative articles on awards, seminars, and staff-related news from recent months as well as what to look forward to from MRSI. We have taken the liberty of signing you up for the Newsletter in the hopes that you will find great value in its content and that it will aid you in your own goals to grow and thrive. We are hoping that this would also become a platform to showcase your achievements in the field of Market Research and it becomes a mode to share your stories, wisdom and insights in the form or articles and tips for your fellow MRSI members.
If you would like to be featured in our Newsletter, we would love to hear from you at
Mitali Chowhan
Director General, MRSI